Step 1: Apply for an Absentee Ballot. Download to application in ENGLISH or SPANISH.
Step 2: Follow the instructions carefully.
Step 3: Place completed application in a stamped envelope, and address it to:
Stratford Town Clerk
2725 Main Street, Room 106
Stratford, CT 06615
*Or you can bring it to the white Ballot Drop Box, alongside Town Hall 2725 Main Street, (across from the Fire Station).
Step 1: Once you get the official ballot, carefully read all the instructions.
Step 2: Fill it out and follow directions. Each ballot must be returned in its own envelope; do not combine your absentee ballot with that of another family member.
Step 3: Return the completed ballot using either of these methods:
District 1: Lordship Elementary School – 254 Crown Street
District 2: Stratford High School – 245 King Street
District 3: Johnson House School – 719 Birdseye Street
District 4: Franklin School – 185 Barnum Avenue
District 5: Nichols School – 396 Nichols Avenue
District 6: Wooster Middle School – 150 Lincoln Street
District 7: Wilcoxson School – 600 Wilcoxson Avenue
District 8: Chapel Street School – 380 Chapel Street
District 9: Bunnell High School – 1 Bulldog Lane
District 10: Second Hill Lane School – 65 Second Hill Lane